The Book
1/2 Size Storyboards
Typeface is used Univers LT Std, 55roman for content and condensed style for titles.
Its balanced letterforms, open counters, and clear shapes make it very readable.
I compared the images I wanted to use and I found that this yellow color almost matched better with so images.
Secondly, I wanted to make a magazine style book, and I wanted it to show a relaxed, stylish character.
I think this yellow is light, bright and visual appealing.
My Design System-Overall
Title and subtitle: Univers LT Std,67 Bold Condensed
Content: Univers LT Std, 55 Roman
Fully capitalized subtitle
The first word of the title is decorated with a yellow rectangle, and the second word of the title has a yellow font color.
The decoration of the subtitle varies with the design of the specific page.
My Design System-Author Biographies
Play with rectangles.
Use drop cap number of lines function.
Cover, Back Cover, and Spine
Really like the pictures of Bodily Type section, decide to choose them as decoration pics for cover.
Cover: comic book style.
Play with the rectangles.
Using my spot color, and the colors from those pics.
Book Binding
Production Phrase